What is gestational diabetes
A form of high blood sugar affecting pregnant women. From 24 to 28 weeks into their pregnancies, pregnant women are required to consume what is commonly referred to as a “orange drink.” Some pregnant women have firsthand experience with this need while dealing gestational diabetes, while others have only heard about it.
It’s a tale that gets told from one woman to the next about a drink that has a taste that’s extremely sweet and syrupy, and as a result, you have to wait around at the doctor’s office for blood testing.
But the time spent in line for this very important screening is well worth it.
It is able to detect as well as diagnose cases of gestational diabetes in pregnant women.
According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 10 percent of pregnant women will develop a condition known as gestational diabetes.
If you do nothing to treat or control your gestational diabetes, it can put your baby at risk for major health problems, including the following:
- Excessive birth weight
- Preterm birth and respiratory distress syndrome
- Low blood sugar when the baby is born
- Higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes in later life
A qualified obstetrician and gynecologist by the name of Barbara E. Simpson states that “fortunately, gestational diabetes is uncomplicated to diagnose and control.”
“The fasting blood sugar test can help ensure that both mom and baby continue to enjoy good health.”
Manifestations and indications of gestational diabetes
The majority of pregnant women who develop gestational diabetes do not suffer any indications or symptoms of the condition.
In point of fact, the only method to find out is to have your blood sugar tested, which is done between the weeks of 24 and 28 gestation on average.
Some pregnant women may experience more modest signs and symptoms of gestational diabetes, such as
- Increase in their level of thirst.

A possible indicator of gestational diabetes is drinking more than usual and having the sensation that you are always thirsty.
- Fatigue.
It takes a lot of labor to create and support a baby, so it makes sense that pregnant women feel exhausted.
On the other hand, gestational diabetes can cause you to feel even more exhausted than usual.
- Feelings of parchedness in the mouth
Even though you may be drinking a lot, you may still notice that your mouth is dry. This is another indicator of gestational diabetes.
Factors that can lead to gestational diabetes
Knowing if you are at risk for gestational diabetes is more important than being aware of the signs and symptoms of the condition.
- Women who are older than 25 years old
- Women who have a family history of type 2 diabetes
- Women who have a personal history of prediabetes
- Women who have had gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies
- Women who are overweight or obese; women who are not white
- Women who have a family history of diabetes
The avoidance of diabetes in pregnancy
Although it is not possible to totally avoid it, there are several measures that may be done to minimize a woman’s risk, including the following:
- Eat a nutritious diet
- don’t smoke and
- get enough of exercise before you get pregnant.
The identification and management of diabetes in pregnancy
In between the 24th and 28th week of your pregnancy, your physician will urge you to schedule a glucose challenge test.

At your appointment, you will be given a glucose solution to drink, and then you will be requested to wait in the clinic for one hour.
You will have your blood sugar checked in exactly one hour from now.
If the results turn out to be abnormal, your doctor will let you know and may recommend further testing.
The subsequent test, known as a glucose tolerance test, will likewise take place at the office of your physician.
You’ll need to go without food and water all night.
After that, when you get to your doctor’s office, you will have some blood taken from you.
Following the initial blood test, you will be given a glucose solution to drink.
After then, every hour for the next three hours, your blood will be checked.
If two of the three blood tests reveal abnormally high levels of glucose in the patient’s blood, a diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made.
If it turns out that you do have gestational diabetes, you and your doctor will talk about a treatment plan that is tailored specifically to you.
This may include things like
- Going to the doctor more frequently to have your blood sugar checked
- Eating healthily
- Reducing your intake of processed sugar and carbohydrates, and
- Monitoring your blood sugar at home.
You could require insulin if you are having a difficult time keeping control of your it.
Your physician will assist in determining what course of action is appropriate for you.
Dr. Simpson adds that in most cases, gestational diabetes disappears on its own following the delivery of the baby.
“After delivery, it is possible that you will need to have continued monitoring of your blood sugar.
At your postpartum visit six weeks after giving birth, you will have another glucose test performed to verify that the gestational diabetes has gone away.
One another reason why the postpartum checkup is so essential!
Maintaining awareness of the elevated risk of cardiovascular disease following pregnancy
Women who have had gestational diabetes have a risk that is 68% higher than the chance that other women who have not had gestational diabetes have of acquiring cardiovascular disease later in life. This is the case even though it often goes away after delivery.
This risk is always present, regardless of how long ago or how recently the pregnancy was.
Vikson care urges women to be aware of the heightened risk that they face and ought to make certain that their healthcare professionals are familiar with their whole medical history.